Rajiv Rajusha – Looking Deeper

Rajiv is taking on what we feel is important, what is the of universities role to current and future graduates especially in a new degree like Creative Technologies. You can see our discussions here

Showing that we had made progress, we had a slightly different person on this week! Rajiv is a student from Creative Technology but is a Masters Candidate supervised by a lecturer I know quite well, Dr. Ricardo Sosa, who may be even be glad I am still blogging to this day.

Rajiv focus on understanding the quality of Creative Technology students and graduates, the disparity and lack of understanding between the graduates and industry and how to address this.

Before coming to Creative Technology, Rajiv is a successful business man back at India as well as worked for Citi Bank India. The reason I was fascinated with Rajiv was due to the fact that he still strived more and beyond from what he already achieved which by some people’s standards is already quite high.


Education is important but which one should you do?

If you ask my parents what their take on education is being from the Philippines, education is the single most tool any person have to better them selves or in other words Good Grades or nothing, then it bleeds to which school or university you went which then leads schools being ranked from expensive to least expensive and can be correlated to the quality of jobs you may get – remember nothing is guaranteed.

Rajiv found out quickly that Creative Technology does produce quality and capable graduates. From large interactive installations, to complicated electronic projects to beautiful media or art. Even when I was studying Creative Technology, Pedagogy, study of teaching as a subject, has been bought up frequently in understanding what a university should provide and what preparation students really need.

Is there a lack of understanding between industry and universities?

Rajiv and I explored and talked about the disparity of graduates of Creative Technology their fields of work after graduating. I am not going to sugar coat it, I personally know talented graduates who are still actively trying to get into career more to what they have done through University, part of the reason To the Sky exist is to help these people to increase their exposure and hopefully connect people with people and opportunity with people.

Rajiv and I did not come to the conclusion of Creative Technology doing a poor job at helping people succeed, Its quite the opposite. Creative Technology create problem solvers and doers, as simple as that.

Personally my answer is to give notoriety to Creative Technology, give it a stage to show what its graduates can do and what they have done because they are to talented to be left out because its different. Creative Technology is built for the future jobs that people said ’10 years ago would not exist’.

Graduation is Fun! What next?

Rajiv research coincidentally, aligns with what the goal of this series which is to help identify how graduates succeed beyond university. Rajiv and I believe that there is a path for success and help the industry understand the values of people from Creative Technology because this is a rea- issue and I feel to a large extent, an issue across universities and other degrees.

So here is a food for thought, if there are thousands of graduates across the same Degree and field of work, how does one apply for roles open to all of those people? And remember, there are only limited amount of role. But then again there is not only one job per degree is there?

Be Extremely Focused in what you are doing…

Keep Exploring

Rajiv Rajusha TTS Episode 5

Rajiv’s advices are simple and to the point. Being hungry to grow and be worth something is all about having focus and general destination in mind but not so focused now that you are paralyzed of making adjustments along the way. It is difficult finding this balance, because this is about “Taking that step forward” which is the hardest no doubt, but I promise that will be the most important step you take.

Rajiv’s second advice speaks to me the fluidity of Creative Technology. Part of success is failure and seeing what you have done better. I can tell you one of the works feeling is failing, it sucks no doubt it. But to stand up and try again from another angle or another topic altogether is another strong indication of growth. Always learning is an important part of being alive even if visibly seeing your growth is hard because it happens over such a long period of time, but keeping your head up for new opportunities, even if no matter how small it is only make sense when you are looking back

Onwards To the Sky.

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