Vaani Diwan – Rolling through it all

Vaani is an accomplished individual focusing on making the world a better place and you can see our conversation here.

TTS Episode 4 – Vaanipriya Diwan

Keeping the same theme going, Vaani is also a graduate from Auckland University of Technology with a degree in Creative Technology. Who knew AUT and Creative Technology produce such fine talents?

One of my favourite traits of Vaani is one that resonates with me as well, the willingness to explore, be heard and accept that feeling of being uncomfortable to take on something new. Vaani knows the value of being seen because like going to an event, you are doing better than the people who are not there, so you reading this I highly encourage going to events, any events even if initially it doesn’t appear to make sense, because someone more wiser than me said, you can’t connect the dots forwards, only backwards.

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Vaani’s Play interaction Project

As we discussed on the show with Vaani, this is is one of her project she built with another team member during her time at university. A decision making tool designed for Wiser at AUT team (mental and health wellbeing support for students), this project idea is to help a group of students with decision making within workshops through this tactile and interactive tool. A unique solution to an otherwise complicated task for individuals let alone with part of a group.

‘Fear’ Installation by Vaani

Now I personally made it a point to visit the Bachelor of Creative Technology’s every time there is an Open Studio, the show case event where students will present their work and what they have learnt through out that semester and what is one of the inspiration and reason for the existence of To the Sky, and I had the pleasure of personally seeing this installation in person.

It is striking to seeing ‘Fear’ in such a large setting as well as it was unsettling to even open individual boxes from fear, which I image was the point of this work. As a person who vehemently dislike the horror film genre, I was afraid to open the boxes and see spiders or the like in it. But nevertheless, I appreciate the craftmanship and design that went into making this piece.

A 3D environment replica of an EB Games Store at Downtown Auckland

Another project I remember well due to the fact I also took this subject at university, is this VR environment of a store here in Auckland. Even from back then, I already thought that the team who made this was quite focused and had a high attention to detail to be able to replicate this object within this store. I believe this is another great highlight of the wonderful and bottomless talent of someone like Vaani, having such diverse projects and being powered by different ideas behind them


I wish I managed my time better…

To grab every opportunity that comes their way,

Vannipriya ‘Vaani’ Diwan’ TTS Episode 4

You would think someone who is quite accomplished like Vaani is still saying that she wishes that she managed her time better which just makes me ask my self, what did I do with my time when I was at university?

Vaani’s understanding of the value of time and time management I feel plays such a large role in her growth and diversity of her skills, by focusing on things that helped her grow as well as taking the opportunities that come her way contributes to who she is today. But most importantly, near the beginning of our talk focused on what Vaani learnt recently is how to relax and in her own style, catching up with friends which is important especially in our lengthy lockdown period earlier this year due to a pandemic.

Vaani thank you for spending time with us and sharing your endless knowledge even if it seems everything is uncertain but I tell you, you have helped someone today.

We will be looking forward to seeing what you do next and where you go!

Onwards To The Sky

By the way, if you are still hear reading this, then you are my favourite person! If you are interested of coming on Project to The sky message me here, message me at LinkedIn or leave a comment and lets get to know each other!

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